Administrator Manual
Custom Images

Allows you to upload custom images in Network Station as to be used in the interface for users.

Custom images can be used and embedded through HTML code on various fields defined in the template (help for the user; custom HTML; welcome text; SMS request text; bottom text; etc.) in HTML code and in the CSSs of custom app.
Inclusion in these sections is done by inserting the variable %CustomImage:ImageID% where ImageID is the identifier assigned to the image obtainable from the list of the same.

In the CSSs custom images are embedded always using the variable %CustomImage:ImageID%.

The Context Dropdown Menu

By clicking on the context properties button of the App, you expand the context dropdown menu with a range of options grouped by: edit.

Adding or Editing

To add a new image, select “ customised images” and press “Add custom app” in the command bar.
While to modify an image, press the context button of the image and select “ Edit”. In both cases, a page appears that allows you to manage the following fields:

General data

Field Description
Image ID ID of the image to use when the same is intended to be used in a context.
Title Title of the image.
URL for the image URL for the image.
Image Shows the uploaded image.
Upload image Allows you to upload or replace the image.


Available only if the user has permissions to edit custom images.